Red Mini Bouquet


Three pale red flowers, detailed with gold spots.

They are accompanied by 2 green leafy stems.

All stems are bound together with brown floristry tape.

It measures 23 cm (just under 9 inches) tall.

Glass bottle included.

These jolly little flowers can be made in any colour you fancy. They make a nice gift for mothers day and I am happy to write out a message for you if you want them posting to somebody.

My sculptures are gift wrapped and UK delivery is free.

Other colours can always be made for you, so do get in touch if you want something in particular.

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Three pale red flowers, detailed with gold spots.

They are accompanied by 2 green leafy stems.

All stems are bound together with brown floristry tape.

It measures 23 cm (just under 9 inches) tall.

Glass bottle included.

These jolly little flowers can be made in any colour you fancy. They make a nice gift for mothers day and I am happy to write out a message for you if you want them posting to somebody.

My sculptures are gift wrapped and UK delivery is free.

Other colours can always be made for you, so do get in touch if you want something in particular.


Each paper sculpture is entirely handmade, from design to hand painted paper, to every hand cut feather or petal. Bird sculptures are given their own pose and expression. This ensures every piece is unique. If you own one of my sculptures, yours is the only one of its kind.


Every sculpture is wrapped in tissue paper, in a cardboard box, adorned with paper ribbon. All packaging comes from recycled sources and can be recycled in your paper bin again, including any stickers or paper tape.


All sculptures are varnished with a UV protective lacquer, which keeps their colours bright and seals their edges. They are easy to care for; all they need is a tickle with a feather/microfibre duster every now and then. Wall sculptures hang on the wall via a copper coated steel hook, suspended by invisible fishing line at a drop of 30 cm from the top of the wreath.


I aim to run as environmentally friendly a business as I can. All sculptures are made with recycled 300 GSM paper. Paints, lacquers and lustres are vegan. My sculptures are wrapped with entirely recyclable packaging, from the paper ribbon to tape. I use acrylic paints and plastic eyeballs and invisible fishing line to hang the wreaths, which I use sparingly to minimise waste.

yellow carnation
Barn Owl Mamma and baby on a tree stump
Purple Mini Bouquet
Goldcrest on a tree stump
Purple Chrysanthemum